Women Will Get It Done

Women make up 24% of the computing workforce, and that number is declining. Four out of ten women are leaving STEM careers despite engineering and computer science jobs being some of the fastest growing and highest paying in the world. With computer science and engineering fields having the highest return on investment compared to any other field of study, these jobs play an important role in the future of women and our world. [Gender Avenger Blog, 5/24/17]
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Women Women Will Get It Done: Women in the Military and Women Firsts

Women in the Military

In 2013, then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta lifted the ban on women serving in combat positions in the United States military. While many saw this as a positive step for women in the military, there are still many issues that need to be addressed to allow women the same opportunities as their male counterparts. Continue reading “Women Women Will Get It Done: Women in the Military and Women Firsts”

Women Will Get it Done: Violence against Women and Odds and Ends

There is an epidemic of violence against women in the United States. Every 9 seconds a woman is assaulted; every day more than three women are murdered by their partners; and one in four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. Continue reading “Women Will Get it Done: Violence against Women and Odds and Ends”