Restaurant: Maman Restaurant

This is a relatively new restaurant, mimicking the original restaurant of the same owners in New York City.

Inside there are 6 4-top tables and 1 long table that seats 18 people. Outside, within a railed area, there are additional 4 and 2-tops seating 20 people.

Debbie and I shared an almond croissant. I ordered the Quiche Lorraine and Debbie ordered an omelet – including ham, Comte cheese, and herbed tomatoes.

I asked my now regular question, “how are tips handled by the servers and others?” Our server, Juana Argentina, told me that cash tips go to the people who work in the kitchen and other support folks, while servers get the tips delivered by credit card.

Maman Restaurant
7190 Bethesda Lane
Bethesda, MD 20814-5316