2022 Election

As usual, Amy Walter, the National Editor of the Cook Political Report, has come up with information about the coming redistricting of the whole country that is not readily available from other sources.

2001 2021
Democrats controlled line drawing: 7 states with 101 Cong Districts 8 states with 75 Districts
Republicans controlled line drawing: 8 states with 98 Cong Districts 20 states with 187 Districts
Split control of the process: 23 states with 195 Cong Districts 6 states with 46 Districts
Independent Commissions: 5 states with 34 Cong Districts (this covers 428 districts) 10 states with 121 Districts (this covers 420 districts)

In 2002 there were 7 at-large states (MT, ND, SD, AK, VT, WY, DE).

In 2021 there are 6 at-large states (MT will now have 2 districts).